Making it easier to find all your beauty brands in one shop
About Vreeja

Finding all your beauty products in one shop is a hassle
The idea for Vreeja was born on one of those days where not only your shampoo runs out, but also your day cream and cleanser. And you know there is not much left of your tonic and maybe one of your favorite make-up products also need a restock. So you Google and try to find all the different brands you need to restock, but as you know, that is easier said than done. You go on one shop, but they are missing some brands, the other shops is also missing brands. So what do you do? You make multiple orders... Possibly feeling bad about the impact on the environment. And then for some you might not reach the minimum order amount and you need to pay delivery costs 😥

How Vreeja helps you

Save time
Vreeja makes it easy to find the shops where most of your brands are sold, so endless checking all shops for your brands is ending now. Not waiting and keeping track of multiple packages anymore. More time for fun stuff.
Save money
We strive to find one shop selling everything you need, so you save on delivery costs. And while we can't guarantee this, we surely do our best. Plus, we bring transparency and show delivery costs for all shops, making it easier to choose the best one for you.
Save earth
By helping you purchase more efficiently, in less shops, with less packages being send, we hope to decrease the impact that delivery has on our earth.

10% to save earth

By using Vreeja, we hope to decrease the number of deliveries needed in the beauty industry, and with that the impact of deliveries on our environment. Less CO2 and less paper needed for boxes. Because if Vreeja can help find all your brands in one shop, only one shop needs to send you one package.

In addition to this, Vreeja is committed to share 10% of our profit with good causes that are focusing on saving our planet. We hope to be able to increase this number every year. For now, we will contribute to international charities selected by Donate Effectively for their climate fund. The charities can change every quarter after evaluation of experts.

There is still a world to win in this area, for example, how can we make sure that products ordered in one order, is delivered in one package and not in several? Vreeja wants to work with companies to make beauty shopping more effective.

Vreeja in numbers

1 - soon 3
Launched in the Netherlands in 2023 and expanding to UK and USA next. Other countries planned to launch in 2024.
The number of shops is everyday increasing to offer you the best selection of beauty shops. Missing a shop? We would love to know which one.
From established high-end brands to up-and-coming brands, we put lots of effort to keep Vreeja up-to-date. If you're missing something, let us know.